25th Annual Berkeley-Stanford Advanced Patent Law Institute: (B-CLE Panel) AI, Technology, and the Practice of Law Navigating the Digital Transformation



  • Available Until 5/1/2027
  • Class Time 1:00 PM PT
  • Duration 72 min.
  • Format On-Demand
  • Program Code BCLT0025
  • CA Technology Credits: 1.25 hr(s)

Price: FREE

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Event Information | Agenda

For more information about APLI and to register, see the link here.

This program qualifies for California's Technology CLE requirement.

AI is transforming the way legal services are provided.  Clients, once skeptical of AI in legal practice, are now demanding it for cost savings and rapid responses.  While the benefits can be significant, the downsides can also be significant.  It is time to move beyond the discussion of the cat lawyer and improper citations to better focus on the future of AI tools.  

Join our group of legal-industry experts to better understand what the future holds, and in many cases, what the future does not hold.



